
Utility of direct endocardial visualisation to characterise scar morphology and ablation lesion formation [ 2009 - 2013 ]

Also known as: Use of a endoscopic catheter to guide catheter treatment of heart rhythm disorders

Research Grant

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Researchers: Dr Aravinda Thiagalingam (Principal investigator)

Brief description Endocardial visualisation is a new technique in which a catheter is used to look at the internal surface of the heart without the need for surgery. We will use the visualisation catheter to find a better way of placing small burns within the heart to stop atrial fibrillation (one of the most common heart diseases). We will also use the visualisation catheter to find a better way of locating the scarred areas of the heart responsible for ventricular tachycardia (another common heart disease).

Funding Amount $AUD 421,285.04

Funding Scheme NHMRC Project Grants

Notes New Investigator Grant

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