
Function of Flightless I in the skin blistering disorder epidermolysis bullosa [ 2010 - 2013 ]

Also known as: Role of Flii in skin blistering dieases

Research Grant

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Researchers: Prof Allison Cowin (Principal investigator) ,  A/Pr Ruth Arkell Prof Dedee Murrell

Brief description Skin blistering disorders are painful and debilitating. They can lead to permanent scarring and may be life threatening within two years of birth. No specific cure exists. Our previous studies have identified the important role of Flii in wound healing. We now aim to investigate the potential function of Flii in skin blistering disorders. We will also determine whether modulating Flii reduces blister formation. This research could lead to new therapies for treating people with fragile skin.

Funding Amount $AUD 578,796.82

Funding Scheme NHMRC Project Grants

Notes Standard Project Grant

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