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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/28913
Record Status Checked
Record Id 28913
Title Towards a Compositional Interpretation of Object Diagrams
Abstract We develop a compositional interpretation of object model and statechart diagrams as used in the "Syntropy" method of Object-Oriented Analysis and Design. Separate theories are constructed for object instances, class managers and associations which are then combined with categorical constructions to yield a formal interpretation of the complete system. We compare the use of state attributes to abstractly interpret history with temporal axioms governing behaviours and contrast the logical notion of locality with object-oriented data encapsulation. We consider the interpretation of statecharts partitioning the overall statespace and defining transitions between partitions and give a formal interpretation to event parameters, filters, preconditions and postconditions.We observe that some features of Syntropy are not amenable to this systematic modular interpretation.
Organisation CCLRC , BITD
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Language English (EN)
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Paper In Conference Proceedings In Proceedings of the IFIP TC 2 WG 2.1 international workshop on Algorithmic languages and calculi. ISBN 0-412-82050-1 , Alsace, France, 1997, (1997): 187-211. doi:10.1007/978-0-387-35264-0_8 1997