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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/32666874
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Record Id 32666874
Title Relativistic High-Current Electron-Beam Stopping-Power Characterization in Solids and Plasmas: Collisional Versus Resistive Effects
Abstract We present experimental and numerical results on intense-laser-pulse-produced fast electron beams transport through aluminum samples, either solid or compressed and heated by laser-induced planar shock propagation. Thanks to absolute Kα yield measurements and its very good agreement with results from numerical simulations, we quantify the collisional and resistive fast electron stopping powers: for electron current densities of ≈8×1010  A/cm2 they reach 1.5  keV/μm and 0.8  keV/μm, respectively. For higher current densities up to 1012  A/cm2, numerical simulations show resistive and collisional energy losses at comparable levels. Analytical estimations predict the resistive stopping power will be kept on the level of 1  keV/μm for electron current densities of 1014  A/cm2, representative of the full-scale conditions in the fast ignition of inertially confined fusion targets.
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Language English (EN)
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Journal Article Phys Rev Lett 109, no. 25 (2012): 255002. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.255002 2012