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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/35152
Record Status Checked
Record Id 35152
Title Long-term metadata management & quality assurance in digital curation
Abstract With the rapid advancements in the realm of data management especially in terms of data volume, data quality and data availability; the necessity for adequate, well managed and high quality Metadata is becoming increasingly essential for successful long-term high quality data preservation. Data preservation over substantially long periods of time is needed to enable burgeoning amounts of data, being produced today, to be accessible with its quality intact and independent of associated software or hardware, to e.g. future scientists or researchers in order to aid in their experiments and research. From this perspective, wellmanaged and high quality metadata holds the key to avoiding the high cost of replicating "expensive to produce" data as well as ensuring the proper and efficient use of these data over the long term with dynamic evolvements in related technologies. This dissertation details the main achievements of a MSc. project that endeavours to address the aforementioned issues by conducting an in-depth research on various aspects of Metadata management, such as current approaches & techniques for Metadata management & quality assurance, existing tools, standards etc. In addition, as devised on the basis of the assessed results of this extensive and scrupulous investigation, this thesis provides detailed plan of work for the coming 2.5 years, which subsumes specific recommendations for developing a working prototype of metadata management system in the context of digital curation.
Organisation CCLRC , ESC , ESC-DMG
Keywords Curation , Materials , Quality Assurance , Preservation , Metadata
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Language English (EN)
Type Details URI(s) Local file(s) Year
Thesis MSc, University of Reading, 2005. MSc_Dissertation.pdf 2005