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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/36493
Record Status Checked
Record Id 36493
Title sabreR: Grid-enabling the analysis of multi-process random effect response data in R
Abstract The SABRE (Software for the Analysis of Binary Recurrent Events) program has been extended to run on parallel architectures. A web service interface has been provided using the GROWL (Grid Resources on Workstation Library) toolkit to securely access SABRE functionality deployed on the grid. This interface has been incorporated into an R package (sabreR) so that users can configure and analyse SABRE models and results from within R. The package allows for multiple SABRE models employing both serial and parallel SABRE implementations to be used simultaneously.
Organisation CCLRC , ESC , ESC-GTG , ESC-FW , ESC-SCT
Keywords Engineering , Grid , Middleware , e-Social Science , client-side , SABRE , Quantitative , VRE
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Language English (EN)
Type Details URI(s) Local file(s) Year
Paper In Conference Proceedings In Second International Conference on e-Social Science, (2006). NCeSS06.pdf 2006
Presentation Presented at Second International Conference on e-Social Science, Manchester. NCESS-2006.ppt