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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/39598007
Record Status Checked
Record Id 39598007
Title A Novel Longitudinal Laserwire to Non-Invasively Measure 6-Dimensional Bunch Parameters at High Current Hydrogen Ion Accelerators
Abstract Optical methods for non-invasive beam diagnostics of high current H− ion accelerators have been developed in recent years*, **. Such laserwires typically measure a 1D beam profile and/or 2D transverse emittance from the products of photo-detached ions as a laser beam is scanned across the H− beam. For laser pulse durations (~80ns) longer than the RF period (~3ns), the detector integrates many complete bunches, enabling only transverse beam monitoring. This paper presents a new technique to capture a series of time resolved transverse emittance measurements along the bunch train. A fast (~10ps) pulsed laser photo-detaches ions within each bunch and is synchronized to sample consecutive bunches at certain longitudinal positions along each bunch. A fast detector records the spatial distribution and time-of-flight of the neutralized H0, thus both the transverse and longitudinal emittance are reconstructed. We present simulations of a time varying pulsed laser field interacting within an H− bunch, and estimate the yield, spatial and time distributions of H0 arriving at the detector. We summarise the design of a recently funded longitudinal laserwire being installed in FETS at RAL, UK.
Organisation ISIS , STFC
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Language English (EN)
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Paper In Conference Proceedings In 9th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC18), Vancouver, Canada, 29 Apr 2018 - 4 May 2018, (2018): 2349-2352. http://accelconf.…/papers/wepal072.pdf 2018