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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/40232
Record Status Checked
Record Id 40232
Title Analytical determination of pollution susceptibility in coastal marinas
Abstract A novel analytical model is described for estimating the pollution susceptibility of tidal marinas. The model is based upon a 'tidal prism' or 'zero-dimensional' approach and uses an analytical technique to predict the long-term water quality response. The proposed mathematical model offers a computationally inexpensive alternative to conventional multi-dimensional pollution transport simulations and provides an increased understanding of the flushing characteristics of well-mixed tidal basins. The efficiency of the tidal flushing can be expressed in terms of the pollution susceptibility which can be used to identify marinas at risk from potential water quality problems. Predictions from the analytical formulation are validated against experimentally observed pollution data from a 1:400 scale laboratory model of a generic square tidal basin. The results from the validation tests are very encouraging and demonstrate that the proposed analytical model provides a simple yet robust method for estimating the long-term, limit-cycle pollution levels. In addition, the results show that the analytical model provides a reliable estimate of the pollution susceptibility over a wide range of tidal conditions.
Organisation CCLRC , CSE , CSE-CEG
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Language English (EN)
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Paper In Conference Proceedings In 2nd International Conference on Water Resources Management, Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, May 2003, (2003): 207-216. https://www.resea…-coastal-marinas.pdf 2003