
The open archive for STFC research publications

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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/41478
Record Status Checked
Record Id 41478
Title Data Publication: outputs of the CLADDIER project
Abstract Institutional publication repositories are becoming an established part of research communication, giving an opportunity to explore their relationship with the underlying data. The JISC funded Citation, Location and Deposition in Discipline & Institutional Repositories (CLADDIER) project in the UK has been investigating the issue of linking publications held in institutional repositories to the underlying data held in specialist repositories, such as Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) data centres, by developing the theme of citations, not only for publications but also for datasets. This paper will look at the key management issues identified in the project, for data repositories to be able to provide datasets that can be cited over a long term. It discusses the citation capture issues for publication repositories and discuss potential methods of disseminating these links between repositories.
Organisation CCLRC , ESC
Keywords Citation , Publications , data publication , Data , Institutional Repositories
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Language English (EN)
Type Details URI(s) Local file(s) Year
Paper In Conference Proceedings In Ensuring the Long-Term Preservation and Value Adding to Scientific and Technical Data (PV 2007), Munich, Germany, 9-11 Oct 2007, (2007). PV2007_Jones_CLADDIER-final.pdf 2007