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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/45185477
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Record Id 45185477
Title Proton relaxation rates and polarization measurements in butanol/water samples at 25 kg
Abstract Proton relaxation rates and polarization measurements have been made at 25kG and over the temperature range 0.28°K ≤ T ≤1.5°K. for a 1gm sample of 1 - butanol - water eutectic mixture containing varying concentrations of the free radical porphyrexide. Proton polarizations in the range 30% - 60% have been measured and the temperature dependence of polarization (P ~ 1/T) found to hold for temperatures around 1°K. Proton relaxation rates as low as 1.1 x 10-5 sec -1 have been measured at 0.27°K. The results obtained are used to assess the suitability of this hydrocarbon as a possible target material for a separated function polarized target.
Organisation PPD , SRC
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Language English (EN)
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Preprint RAL Preprints RPP/A 75, Rutherford Laboratory Preprint SRC, 1970. 1970