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Full Record Details

DOI 10.5286/raltr.2010004
Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/56219
Record Status Checked
Record Id 56219
Title The importance of structure in algebraic preconditioners
Abstract In this paper, we consider level-based preconditioning, which is one of basic approaches to algebraic preconditioning of iterative methods. It is well-known that while structure-based preconditioners can be very useful, excessive memory demands can limit their usefulness. Here we present an improved strategy that considers the individual entries of the system matrix and restricts small entries to contributing to fewer levels of fill than the largest entries. Using symmetric positive definite problems arising from a wide range of practical applications, we show that the use of variable levels of fill can yield incomplete Cholesky factorization preconditioners that are more ecient than those resulting from the standard level-based approach. The concept of level-based preconditioning, which is based on the structural properties of the system matrix, is then transferred to the numerical incomplete decomposition. In particular, the structure of the incomplete factorization determined in the symbolic factorization phase is explicitly used in the numerical factorization phase. Further numerical results demonstrate that our level-based approach can lead to much sparser but ecient incomplete factorization preconditioners.
Organisation CSE , CSE-NAG , STFC
Funding Information
Related Research Object(s): 60484
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Language English (EN)
Type Details URI(s) Local file(s) Year
Report RAL Technical Reports RAL-TR-2010-004. 2010. stRALTR2010004.pdf 2010