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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/60774
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Record Id 60774
Title Collaborative and distributed innovation and research in business activity
Abstract We describe how Value Networks (VNs) can be applied in multi-stakeholder business and research environments to characterise different approaches to collaboration. In an attempt to highlight some of the issues, we compare a couple of communities that adopt different approaches to knowledge exchange (KE) and resource discovery. A collaboration framework is used by one of the communities for on-line discussion, chat and web conferencing to supplement KE between fairly regular in-person meetings. The other community applies more traditional collaboration tools such as e-mail to supplement face-to-face meetings. One of our research objectives was to establish the extent of multi-dimensional KE, i.e. from academic to business sector, business sector to business sector and government to business sector. Conditional on successful e-facilitation, a quickening in KE was apparent in the community that used the collaboration framework. This was observed to a lesser or greater extent, across all stakeholder groups. E-facilitators are those that engage stakeholders into making on-line submissions. We discuss the importance of satisfactory levels of support for collaboration frameworks in community projects. We compare the role of the e-facilitator with a more traditional "business broker" and compare the behaviour of the communities with and without particular collaboration tools. We concluded that VNs helped provide a useful characterisation of the roles that the various contributing community elements play and the types of interaction between them.
Organisation CSE , CSE-HEC , STFC
Keywords value network , collaboration portal , e-research , open innovation , Sakai , e-facilitation
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Language English (EN)
Type Details URI(s) Local file(s) Year
Book Chapter or Section Collaborative and Distributed Innovation and Research in Business Activity. doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-0125-3.ch015 2011