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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/66490
Record Status Checked
Record Id 66490
Title Generalization of the classical xyz-polarization analysis technique to out-of-plane and inelastic scattering
Abstract The technique of longitudinal ("xyz") polarization analysis has been used successfully for many years to study disordered magnetic materials in thermal and cold neutron diffraction experiments. The technique allows the simultaneous and unambiguous separation of the nuclear, magnetic, and nuclear spin-incoherent contributions to the scattering. The technical advances seen in recent years, such as the availability of polarized 3He analyzer cells to cover a large detector solid angle, the ability to detect out-of-plane scattering in a multi-detector, and a significant increase of the usable beam divergence, call for a generalization of the method. A general treatment of the formalism for carrying out neutron polarization analysis will be given in this paper, which describes a possible method of usage at a future, modern diffractometer or inelastic spectrometer with large area multi-detector coverage.
Organisation ISIS , STFC
Keywords ISIS 2013
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Language English (EN)
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Journal Article Rev Sci Instrum 84, no. 9 (2013): 093901. doi:10.1063/1.4819739 2013