Unit in SWRC Fit

In SWRC Fit, any unit can be used as the input data, and the unit of the calculated parameters depend on the unit of the input data.

Unit of h

Unit of pressure head (matric head, matric suction) is cm H2O in the sample data of UNSODA. Other unit such as kPa for matric potential can also be used for h. Conversion of matric potential ψ in kPa to matric head h in cm H2O: Let ρw (density of water) = 103 kg m-3 and g = 9.8 m s-2. Then as 103ψ = 10-2hgρw = 98h, ψ = 0.098 h.

Following parameters has the unit as same as h; hb in BC model, hm in KO model, a in FX model, and corresponding parameters in bimodal models, hb1, hb2, hm1, hm2, and H. If h is in cm, unit of these parameters are also in cm.

α in VG model has the unit inverse to h. If h is in cm, unit of α is 1/cm or cm-1. Same to corresponding parameters in bimodal models, α1 and α2.

Unit of θ

Unit of θ is dimensionless or expressed cm3 cm-3. θs and θr has the same unit with θ.

When you have gravimetric water content w, θ is obtained with the relationship \(\theta = w\frac{\rho_b}{\rho_w}\) where ρb is bulk density and ρw is the density of water. Therefore if you have data of bulk density you can convert your data to volumentric water content. You can also directly use (h, w) relationship. In this case θs becomes ws, gravimetric saturated water content, and θr becomes wr, gravimetric residual water content.

Similarly, when you have degree of saturation Sr, θ is obtained by \(\theta = \frac{e}{1+e} S_r\) where e is porosity.

Definitions in these terms are summarized.


Units of other parameters

Units of other parameters used in SWRC Fit are dimensionless; λ in BC model, n in VG model, σ in KO model, m, n in FX model, λ1, λ2, n1, n2, σ1 and σ2 in bimodal models.

Persistent URL of this page is http://purl.org/net/swrc/unit.html.

Author: Katsutoshi Seki
