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    rdfs:label "lansoprazole delayed release orally disintegrating tablets are a proton pump inhibitor ppi indicated for the treatment of active duodenal ulcer in adults 1 1 eradication of h pylori 1 2 maintenance of healed duodenal ulcers in adults 1 3 treatment of active benign gastric ulcer in adults 1 4 healing of non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs nsaid associated gastric ulcer in adults 1 5 risk reduction of nsaid associated gastric ulcer in adults 1 6 treatment of symptomatic gastroesophageal reflux disease gerd in adults and pediatric patients 1 year of age and older 1 7 treatment of erosive esophagitis ee in adults and pediatric patients 1 year of age and older 1 8 maintenance of healing of ee in adults 1 9 pathological hypersecretory conditions including zollinger ellison syndrome zes in adults 1 1 lansoprazole delayed release orally disintegrating tablets are indicated in adults for short term treatment for four weeks for healing and symptom relief of active duodenal ulcer see clinical studies 14 1 triple therapy lansoprazole delayed release orally disintegrating tablets amoxicillin clarithromycin lansoprazole delayed release orally disintegrating tablets in combination with amoxicillin plus clarithromycin as triple therapy is indicated in adults for the treatment of patients with h pylori h pylori h pylori see clinical studies 14 2 please refer to the full prescribing information for amoxicillin and clarithromycin dual therapy lansoprazole delayed release orally disintegrating tablets amoxicillin lansoprazole delayed release orally disintegrating tablets in combination with amoxicillin as dual therapy is indicated in adults for the treatment of patients with h pylori who are either allergic or intolerant to clarithromycin or in whom resistance to clarithromycin is known or suspected microbiology h pylori see clinical studies 14 2 please refer to the full prescribing information for amoxicillin lansoprazole delayed release orally disintegrating tablets are indicated in adults to maintain healing of duodenal ulcers controlled studies do not extend beyond 12 months see clinical studies 14 3 lansoprazole delayed release orally disintegrating tablets are indicated in adults for short term treatment up to eight weeks for healing and symptom relief of active benign gastric ulcer see clinical studies 14 4 lansoprazole delayed release orally disintegrating tablets are indicated in adults for the treatment of nsaid associated gastric ulcer in patients who continue nsaid use controlled studies did not extend beyond eight weeks see clinical studies 14 5 lansoprazole delayed release orally disintegrating tablets are indicated in adults for reducing the risk of nsaid associated gastric ulcers in patients with a history of a documented gastric ulcer who require the use of an nsaid controlled studies did not extend beyond 12 weeks see clinical studies 14 6 lansoprazole delayed release orally disintegrating tablets are indicated for short term treatment in adults and pediatric patients 12 to 17 years of age up to eight weeks and pediatric patients one to 11 years of age up to 12 weeks for the treatment of heartburn and other symptoms associated with gerd see clinical studies 14 7 lansoprazole delayed release orally disintegrating tablets are indicated for short term treatment in adults and pediatric patients 12 to 17 years of age up to eight weeks and pediatric patients one to 11 years of age up to 12 weeks for healing and symptom relief of all grades of ee for adults who do not heal with lansoprazole delayed release orally disintegrating tablets for eight weeks 5 to 1 it may be helpful to give an additional eight weeks of treatment if there is a recurrence of erosive esophagitis an additional eight week course of lansoprazole delayed release orally disintegrating tablets may be considered see clinical studies 14 8 lansoprazole delayed release orally disintegrating tablets are indicated in adults to maintain healing of ee controlled studies did not extend beyond 12 months see clinical studies 14 9 lansoprazole delayed release orally disintegrating tablets are indicated in adults for the long term treatment of pathological hypersecretory conditions including zollinger ellison syndrome see clinical studies 14 1" ;
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